Just Bob

A light in the darkness...

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Hey on a side note!

I have lost about 16 lbs in the last 2.5 weeks and am eating so healthy that all those other "healthy" eating people I meet can't believe it. I have moved my belt down 2 inches and had to put in a new notch... that's incredible. Only one other time in my life... like 12 years ago did I ever diet. I want to move from behemoth to huge in the next 2 months. Then after that I want to move from HUGE to EXTRA LARGE I have a whole progession. I have to admit, I am/was/am? a salt-oholic. I love(d) salt and this low sodium deal I am on sure had me craving salt for the first few days. But then when I DID have some soup with salt in it (before you worry I planned to fail because I had to take the kids in the youth group on a progessive dinner) I couldn't believe how salty it was and everyone else was adding salt to it. So I am glad to say I have kicked the salt habit. I got to put on a shirt that I had been avoiding wearing this morning and it is loose on me... woo hoo that is soooo coooool. Instead of telling someone else that I am glad THEY lost the weight it is me now. You know the weird thing is that I can feel the loss but I don't see the loss like other people do. Hmmmm. Maybe that's why I didn't see the gain as much??? Oh well. It's almost time for me to eat again. Who would have thought that I could eat 6 (six) yes that's right, SIX times a day and still lose weight. I have to admit that I haven't been hungry, I have had some cravings but no real... "I HAVE TO EAT BECAUSE I AM STARVING" feeling. I guess that the program that I am on was right, your body starts to learn that it's going to get fed, don't panic and eat everything in site. It's almost my "4th meal of the day" snack time. I will probably have 2-3 oz. of chicken and a grapefruit... ONLY because I just ran out of fresh peaches. (rats) I do love grapefruit too but I had a half of one earlier today. Oh well, going to eat again...


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