Just Bob

A light in the darkness...

Monday, February 09, 2004

He must not be cool enough?!

I tend to avoid the YS Forums (for those of you untrendy Youth Pastors, that's the discussion bored (pun intended) for YOUTH SPECIALTIES), because the radical brand of "christianity" they seem to foster. I had a friend of me ask why I don't post over there, as I tend to disagree with MOST of the postings. It's a whole "casting your pearls before swine" thing actually. It would be hard for me to explain that although I use powerpoint on my Wednesday night programs and that I believe relationships are ultra important (of course Jesus called it discipleship), that being an independent fundamental Baptist, I have never became "modern" yet as far as what they all call the "modern" church. Our programs have NEVER been more important than the people and I have pity on any "denomination" that has. Our pastor has never lorded over the people and I have never felt disconnected because the church can't meet my needs. For that matter they wouldn't even understand that I am not nor never have been a "Protestant" that we were never "in" the Catholic church to come out of it. So I don't post at the YS FORUMS because it would be fruitless on most parts. I occasionally do get a "highlight" thred to read. I receive their newsletter and read some of those discussions... but usually I am so peeved by the time I get to the fourth or fifth post that I feel like sitting down and writing a bitter diatribe. So I just stop.

I figured I was one of the few who felt that way but I am glad to say I read a good article over at theophilus' blog. He must not be cool enough either! Check out the comments as the "freaks come out and write". I sure look forward to Christ's return.

This will probably forestall any future book deals but I am telling you now: "beware of the dangerous philosophies at Youth Specialties". I will detail this warning some time in the future. Be careful of ANY printing house that's sole purpose is to make a buck. They go where the money is. Some books need to be printed even if they aren't "bestsellers". Bestsellers appease us... true Godly writing should convict us.


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