Just Bob

A light in the darkness...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The Economy of a Soul

I always hear people say "if even one soul get's saved it's worth it". This is usually said after some great monetary or physical expenditure. My question is... what is ONE soul worth? Now before you get hot and bothered and tell me Christ would have come for ONE person (which I believe too), that's not what I am asking you to think about. Don't we have to be a good steward somewhere too? And will we be held accountable for our loose purse strings before God? Will God say, "should have skipped the cover band and just printed up my word in a foreign language" for our waste on our ever enlargening "Youth Events". I mean, I know that there are many churches out there that think nothing of dropping 20K on an event. (Not many IFB's ::chuckle::) But think about it, most of who comes to the "christian concerts" are christians. We could buy skateboards with the gospel message on them and give them away cheaper and reach more lost teens. So why is it that we are forced to do bigger, better events with fewer and fewer results? Where are our resources going? Talk about it...


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