Just Bob

A light in the darkness...

Friday, March 26, 2004

Passion of Scooby Doo 2?


Peoria, Illinois
) Friday night is just another night at the Fulton
County CineMax,

people coming, people going, overpriced drinks and snacks but something
strange has been happening in a particular theatre on particular screen.
There have been reports of some unexplainable phenomenon. People watching
Scooby Doo 2 have claimed to experience life
changing miracles. Joey Spazzitti, 6 years old went into the movie with
a bloody nose, during the most dramatic scene of the movie Joey removed
the tissue from his nose and showed his mom that it stopped. Joey's
mom, Mary Elizabeth Martha Spazzetti, says "It's a miracle usually
it takes an hour or so for his nose to stop bleeding. But today it only
took 45 minutes. I think that Fred is so dreamy!" When asked how
she knows it was a miracle, she replied "Well it hasn't bled anymore
since then and it has been 3 whole days."

Jennifer Nundy, who was at the Scooby
movie turned herselve in to the Mall Police at Greater
Twin Peaks Mall and admitted to stealing a male manequin with a red
wig because he "was, like, so, like cool, because he, ummm, looked,
like, um Matthew Lillard (the actor that plays Shaggy)." When asked
why she admitted to stealing it she said "Well, I was overcome,
like by his coolness."

Three other people died suddenly within
hours of attending the film.

When John Smithers, owner of the theater
was asked why all these strange occurences seemed to be happening he
said "Well, the movie canister for Scooby
Doo 2
was sitting DIRECTLY on top of the movie cannister
for The Passion of the Christ so maybe that's

The friends of the 3 kids broke into
the theatre after hours and called police. After an in depth investigation,
records show that Mr. Smithers "Buttaflava" covering on the
popcorn was 4 years old. Mr. Smithers was convicted of fraud for trying
to convince police that the deaths were because of the movie. He was
quoted as saying "I would have got away with it if it wasn't for
those meddling kids."



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