Just Bob

A light in the darkness...

Thursday, April 22, 2004


I continually hear about (and believe in) the idea that a true christian should not worry about the facade of Christianity but should attract others to Christ by the changes He made in our lives. I guess I sometimes wonder though, what those changes might look like to the postmodern believer. If we see a change in our dress... well that could be considered legalistic. If we see a change in our language... well that might mean we aren't being "relevant". If we see a change in out contentment and happiness... who else sees that??? I think that the inside change will make outside changes and just wonder how that fits in. I don't buy the cry of "legalistic" when we change outwardly after we have changed inwardly.

The Postmodern thought says why shouldn't I listen to the same music I did??? Talk the same as I did??? Dress the same as I did??? Drink the same as I did??? Watch the same thing I did??? So my question is for those with the penchant of seeing Christ SHINE through in your life... where is it shown if not in these area's. I mean outwardly... because that is what men see. Doesn't an inward change necessitate an outward change. Shouldn't we see things totally different like Paul did. Won't the scales fall from our eyes and a new vision be given to us?

Just wondering what a postmodern Christian looks like??? Is it that they go to church now? or have a community or whatever you want to call it?

Our love has to be verbal, visual, and veritable to be experienced by someone else. You can know you love someone, but if you never tell them, or show them, or make it real to them... how do they know?

Is it because we are kind? What if we were kind before? I don't think there is a timescale or schedule. But if God is really working in the heart when does he work is way out and what does it look like? Should we not want to be identified different than those who aren't saved from hell? Should we not want to be identified different than those who have no personal realtionship with the creator?

We are called salt and light... Because salt is different than unsalted. Light is opposite of dark. Does that mean anything to us?

And where does repentence fall? Does a change of heart = a change of mind = a change of lifestyle??? Should it?


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